Direct Primary Care

Deland Medical Wellness Center now offers direct primary care services. The types of services and procedures performed are annual exams, school and sports physicals, chronic disease management such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypthyroidism, UTI, etc.  In addition to the management of chronic diseases we also manage acute conditions such as allergies, anxiety, bronchitis, conjunctivitis (pink eye), constipation, etc. Most consultations can be performed via a telehealth visit, however some visits will need to be conducted in office.

All medications prescribed by the doctor will be eprescribed to a pharmacy of your choosing.  The cost of our Direct Primary Care Service is $75 per visit (telehealth or in office) with our primary care doctor and in most cases the physician will prescribe a month prescription with two refills however every patient in treated on a case by case basis and may require more physician supervision thus requiring an in office or telehealth visit on a monthly basis.

To schedule an appointment or to get more information please call or text Deland Medical Wellness Center at 386-279-4588 or send us an email at